Sunday, February 27, 2011

Edmodo Reflection

-What was the number one reason fifth students liked using Edmodo to publish their writing?
The fifth grade students enjoyed using Edmodo because they like to use technology to write.  One student commented that it is great to learn about new technology.  They also like for other people to be able to read their work and they like to read other people's work as well. 
-What Edmodo activity did the fifth grade students like the best?
Most of the fifth grade students said that their favorite activity was working on the Collaborative Writing project.   
-What did you think about the Edmodo project? What did you learn?
I really enjoyed the Edmodo project!  I had no idea that there were such great websites and ways to incorporate technology into the classroom.  It is really neat to be able to communicate with students in other schools and to share ideas with them! 
-Describe a collaboration project you might implement in your future classroom using a microblogging tool like Edmodo?
I was impressed with Edmodo.  I will definitely try to use it or something similar to it in my classroom.  I think that an example of a neat project could be one that involved pen pals from different schools. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Picture 1

Picture 2


Media sources have a very effective way of making people believe messages that they want them to believe using images.  By focusing on clothing, body language, background, camera angle, and a variety of other techniques, underlying messages in photographs can be relayed to the viewers.  By using some of those techniques, the two photos of Obama have different effects on the viewer. 

In which picture does Obama look more in control?
I think that Obama looks more in control in picture 2.  I feel this way because of the way he is positioned.  For example, in picture 2, he is walking about one step ahead of everyone else.  This indicates that he is leading, and therefore in control.  Another characteristic that indicates that he is in control in the second picture is his body language.  He is standing tall, and appears to almost be marching away from the boat as if he has accomplished something.  The angle of the camera makes him look tall, big, and in charge. 

In which picture does Obama look more concerned? Why?
In picture 1, Obama's facial expressions indicate that he is studying something perplex that he is unsure of how to tackle.  For that reason, he looks much more concerned in picture 1.  In picture 2, his facial expressions aren't really able to be seen, but his body language indicates more confidence and less concern.

Which picture makes you feel more confident in the president's abilities to respond to the disaster?
I think that most viewers would feel more confident in the president's abilities to respond to the disaster after looking at picture 2.  In this picture, he is "in the field," and looking like he isn't afraid to get dirty and figure out a solution. 


Friday, February 11, 2011

Relationship Between Media Literacy Skills and Traditional Literacy Skills

According to an articled called Teaching Media Literacy by Jane L. David, there is in fact a relationship between media literacy skills and traditional literacy skills.  In both reading online and reading print text, students must employ their use of critical thinking.  This allows students to read a passage (online or in a book) and analyze what it means to them.  Also for both types of literacy skills, students must use "prior knowledge and make predictions."  From both types of literature, I think that students can learn and gain knowledge.   The point that teachers have to make to students is that they must be careful to use reliable sources when reading online. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Digital Storytelling

Do you think Digital Stories like the Power of One and the example of 4th grade making a PSA for Global warming promote the same kind of learning writing an essay or research paper do? Why or Why not.
For numerous reasons, educators in West Virginia do not use technology as effectively as possible.  If more teachers were aware of the technological resources that are available to them, then I think that in some cases, students would have more fun learning!
One way in which technology is being incorporated into some classrooms is by the use of Digital Storytelling.  Digital Storytelling is defined as the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories.  Stories are put together and played in a slide show fashion.  They allow students to use creativity and technology to design educational presentations.  
I think that Digital Stories do promote the same kind of learning that writing an essay or research paper does, but not in as much detail.  When writing a formal paper or creating a Digital Story, students are required to do the same type of research.  Also, when a student is doing either of those assignments, he or she is forced to develop an understanding of the topic because he/she must presents the idea or topic to others.  However, because Digital Stories are typically short, I believe that a student may actually learn more about a topic by writing the formal essay.  More information can be included in an essay than in a Digital Story.  
So, will I use Digital Storytelling in my classroom?  Definately!  Instead of using it by itself, however, I will probably use it in addition to the typical essay writing.  I am glad that I've been introduced to this new use of technology, and I am anxious to learn more about it!