Monday, April 18, 2011

WebQuest Evaluation

1. Which two of example WebQuests listed below are the best ones? Why?
"Unraveling the Underground Railroad" and "Grow School Greens" were the two best WebQuest examples because they were very clear and understandable.  They were also interesting. 

2. Which two are the worst? Why?
The two worst WebQuests were the "Ancient Egypt WebQuest" because it lacked a neat, readable format and "Where is My Hero" because although the idea was good, the project lacked a significant amount of technology use. 

3. What do best and worst mean to you?
The best WebQuests are those which are interesting, easily read and figured out, and also fun. 
The worst WebQuests are those which are a little boring and whose directions are not as easily lined out. 

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