Thursday, September 6, 2012

Where I Am From Photo Story

Sources for two images that weren't my own:


  1. I love your video! I especially like the slides about being closer to God just by going outside! I have always felt the same way. And your little sister is sooo cute!

  2. One thing I learned about you is you love nature and God.
    Your family is different than mine because I am from a family of boys (two brothers and two sons). The best thing about your digital story is it's simplicity. It was very easy to read and follow with nice background music.

  3. Aw, what an awesome video and choice of photos. Something I learned about you is that I think I saw a golden retriever in a photo, we have a goldie... and it's comical that your grandfather couldn't swim yet joined the Navy. I love that you are so strong in your faith in God and your closeness with Him. The guitar music you chose was very soothing to the ear.

  4. One thing that I liked about your video was that your Pap used to take your hand and say "Let's Be Friends". I thought that your picture went well with that part of your video.I know that you have a strong faith in God and that you are very close with your family, so am I.

  5. I enjoyed your video very much! You and I have a common interest in being firm in our faith in God. Good video and good music!

  6. You video showed that you believe in faith and love, and i really liked that. I like how you included living on top of a mountain, i don't think their is a better view out there than that.

  7. One thing I learned about you is that you have lots of sisters! I only have an older brother, so I'm super jealous you got to have multiples girls to grow up with! I also really liked your juxtaposition of the feeling like a princess, and playing in the dirt. I am completely with you on that one!! Nice video!

  8. Great job on your video. I learned that you are really close with your family and that is great! Your family is similiar to mine because I see that you come from a religious background just like me. I really liked the pictures you used of where you are from, its beautiful out there!

  9. Chels my love, your story was great! I knew most of the stuff mentioned in there already, but I enjoyed the pictures along the way lol. I particularly enjoyed laughing when you mentioned your pap that couldn't swim but was in the Navy haha. Loved the music, great job!

  10. Chelsea, you did a great job with your video! I loved all of your pictures and your poem went very nice with all of them! One thing I learned about you from your video is that you are religious. I can related to you on this account.
